Often times, when someone consults at TruCentered Chiropractic Care in Annapolis, MD, inevitably they discuss their primary complaint but towards the end of the consult they sneak in this…
“So, doc, when I am lifting weights at the gym or reaching over head, or even just walking down the street, my joints pop. Why does it do that? Is this normal? Should I be worried?”
Generally, when you joints make these noises, it is known as a “cavitation.” A cavitation is created as the result of your joints expanding and gas (carbon dioxide) is released within the joint, thus creating the sound that we hear – relatively harmless. This sound is analogous to that of when you crack open a can of sodaNow, these sounds can also be created when ligaments or tendons quickly rub across a harder structure (ie. bone) making a snapping sound.When muscles or tendons snap over any of the bony structures (ie. hip or shoulder), this typically happens as a result of those tissues being too tight.Or, it could be the result of your ligaments being too loose.Let me provide you with a little anatomy lesson for a second. Ligaments support our joints passively while our muscles are providing support for these same structures actively. All that means is that we can control our muscles but we can’t control our ligaments.This resulting looseness of those ligaments creates unnecessary motion within the joint thus increasing the occurrences of those sounds.
Should I Be Worried?
The concern should mount in the event that the popping or crunching that you hear is accompanied by pain. This can lead one to believe that there may be injury/trauma or damage (ie. degeneration or deterioration) to that joint and warrant a visit to a professional to provide you with options for care.Just to clarify…Noise without pain; don’t be alarmed. Noise with pain; be alarmed.
Will It Go Away?
You may be somewhat relieved after realizing that this sound may not be as serious of an issue as you thought, but now you want it to go away. What now?Unfortunately, a permanent fix has yet to be determined. Though it has been found that altering your joint movement patterns (strengthen weak muscles; stretching tight muscles), adding specific supplementation for your joints, or correcting spinal shifts can assist in eliminating the noise but there are no guarantees with any of them.Despite the annoyance associated with the sounds you may hear, a commonly used strategy is training your brain to ignore the sound. Eventually, that sound that you once found to be at the top of your mind will be harmless background noise.