Once You Go To A Chiropractor, You Will Have To Go Forever

By Dr. Bryant Harris
Once You Go To A Chiropractor, You Will Have To Go Forever

This one is definitely near the top of the list for health care myths. You’ve probably heard it before and maybe even said those words yourself, but in order to debunk this myth for good, let’s take a look at the idea of false beliefs and the assumption this particular myth is based on.A false belief is a concept or idea that is held to be true but is not in actuality true. An example of a common false belief could be “money is the root of all evil”. Many people strongly believe this and live their lives accordingly. It leads to a scarcity mindset, the fear of being compensated for providing value to others and the feeling that earning a profit makes them a bad person.The truth is money is just paper (or plastic depending on your country). In actuality, money is the exchange for value, “The best in me for the best in you.” This belief leads to a very different set of actions and outcomes than the prior false belief created.

What does this have to do with chiropractic?

The false assumption that once you start chiropractic care, you “must” go to a Chiropractor forever, is based on the way we look at medical care. If we have a problem (which in the medical paradigm means a symptom) with a body part, we seek out help, advice and treatment until the “symptom” goes away at which time the medical care is complete.This is what people believe about chiropractic. They assume that a chiropractor should fix or treat your problem and, when that problem is resolved, you don't need to return for any more care.However, that truth is, chiropractic does not exist to fix, treat or palliate symptoms or conditions. Of course, if you have a health condition, being under chiropractic care can enable your body to work better and in turn recover better from that health condition, but it is not the primary objective.Chiropractic is meant to keep you healthy and it does so by ensuring your body has something it needs in order to continuously create a healthier version of you… a clear connection between the brain and the body.Being under chiropractic care is no different than having a regular exercise program that gives your body something it needs to be healthy – proper movement or an eating program that gives your body what it needs to be healthy – proper fuel.The key to a healthy life is lifestyle. The choices we make daily either move us towards health or away from health. These choices either help to give our body something it needs or they add something it doesn’t need.Once you start exercising, when is it a good time to stop? Once you start eating healthy food, when is it a good time to stop? Once you start sleeping well, when is it a good time to stop?The answer is: Never!We would never claim to be addicted to exercise or eating good food or sleep and we understand that we can stop doing those things whenever we want. But we also understand doing so will have negative consequences and we must be responsible for those outcomes.The same is true with chiropractic. Once you start creating a healthy spine and nerve system, when is it a good time to stop keeping it healthy? The obvious answer is never. The people, who choose chiropractic, do so of their own free will, they were not forced or coerced and are definitely not addicted to chiropractic.Believe it or not, people choose chiropractic because it delivers something they value – better health and a better life.Did you like this article? Feel free to share it with the people you care about and see if a Complimentary Consultation is the next step to regain their health.Dr. Harris is a Life By Design Chiropractor practicing in Annapolis, MD.

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