My Low Back Pain Is Because of What?

By Dr. Bryant Harris
My Low Back Pain Is Because of What?

An estimated 80% of the population will (or has) experience low back pain at some point in their lifetime.  It is one of the leading contributors (next to the common cold) to missed days at work, and it costs the United States an estimated  $25 billion dollars annually.

We've all heard the stories of a friend or family member who went to bend over to pick-up a pen off the floor and their back "went out"?

If you're like me, you are wondering how the weight of the pen could  debilitate someone for hours (sometimes days) at a time?

Chances are for that individual their spine has undergone numerous changes and compensatory adaptations due to a neurostructural shift in their spine (potentially near their brain stem).

In all actuality, the seemingly minor action of bending over to pick up the pen was the catalyst for an unpredictable large and sudden reaction due to cumulative effects of smaller chronic stressors.

Since lower back pain has become such common place, there are many options for treatments

Treatments for Low Back Pain

Some of the popular short term treatment options to reduce lower back pain  include Cortisone shots, muscle relaxants or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and physical therapy.

The fundamental issue with these methods are that they are focused on symptom relief.

These options may help in the beginning, but their effects are temporary.  Reason being is that those treatments are not helping correct the cause of your back pain; only masking them.

NeuroSpinal Restoration & Low Back Pain

At TruCentered Chiropractic Care, our focus is on achieving lasting results through NeuroStructural Correction of the head and neck.

Now, you may be asking yourself "what does my neck have to do with the pain in my lower back?"

Humor me for a second...Ever play the game Jenga?

So...Jenga is a great example of what can happen when one block (read vertebrae) is out of alignment.

Even with a perfect foundation, if you don't place the subsequent blocks perfectly, the entire tower crumbles.

Did you know that your head weighs 12-14lbs?

And your Atlas (your top vertebrae), which weighs a mere 3 ounces , handles balancing your head - no big deal for your atlas, right?!?!

The upper cervical spine (neck) has thousands of nerve "sensors" that communicate to the brain to ensure proper posture and alignment of the spine.

With every movement of your head we make those sensors are constantly at work making the necessary alterations throughout the lower spine to ensure that your head remains upright.

When the spine is properly aligned, it is strong and stable.  But due to the mobility of the top vertebrae, it is susceptible to injury or misalignment.If a misalignment occurs at the top of the neck, the spine will compensate in an attempt to protect the vital components (nervous system) which it houses. This creates a cascade of events from the top to the bottom of the spine - the head is thrown off balance, the lower spine is compromised; the pelvis tilts or one leg may be drawn up or shortened.

As a results of these events, an internal weakness is created producing an imbalanced spine leading to the spinal muscles, bones and discs to become more vulnerable to injury - "an accident waiting to happen".   If neglected, a shift of the upper cervical spine can lead to premature arthritis and irreversible spinal degeneration, disc herniations, and spinal stenosis.

So, if you are experiencing chronic lower back pain or it keeps "going out", then I would encourage you to consider a complimentary consultation and see if TruCentered Chiropractic Care can help.

I can understand if you are still skeptical about how your low back pain might be related to a shift of the upper cervical spine, so I have a rudimentary self check for you to do at home.  Next time you look in the mirror take note if your ears are level.  Are your shoulders level?  Lie flat on your back on the floor and have a friend look at your feet.  Are the heels even with each other?  If you answered "No" to any of these questions, you're more than likely shifted out of alignment and are a ticking time bomb waiting to be in pain.

Schedule A Complimentary Consultation!

Considering a Chiropractor in Annapolis, Maryland, contact TruCentered Chiropractic Care for a complimentary consultation.

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