Is My Head On Straight?

By Dr. Bryant Harris
Is My Head On Straight?

By now, you all might’ve noticed that I am not your run of the mill traditional chiropractor.

In the world that I live in, NeuroStructural Chiropractic, I view the body as a dynamic adaptable masterpiece. Each piece is placed in a specific and deliberate way in order for it to perform a specific function.

When everything is in the right place at the right time, the body is capable of performing the right functions at the right time (go figure).

My primary job is to correct and maintain the neurostructural integrity of the foundation of the entire body: The Spine.

With that in mind, one of the primary things which separates me from most traditional chiropractors is that I look for something called the atlas displacement complex (ADC).

atlas displacement

The atlas is the top most part of your acts as the bridge between your head and neck.

When the atlas shifts out of place, it may compress the arteries and veins supplying your brain, damage the disc and ligaments, alter your posture, and distort the messages going in and out of the brain leading to wide array of collateral damage.

Ultimately, it’s not the collateral damage that matter, it is the fact the positioning of the atlas affects not only structure but more importantly the function of your spine as a whole.

So, how do I know if I have Atlas Displacement Complex?

Well, only a chiropractor with a focus on restoring the neurostructural integrity of the atlas can identify and address ADC. That requires an in depth examination process and neurostructural chiropractic radiographs to know for sure, but below are some possible clues…

  1. Your head leans forward in front of your body – You’ll notice most in the elderly population, but it can start in late childhood/early adulthood. If you notice people constantly reminding you to sit up (because you are slouching) or pull your head up; this may be you.
  2. Head tilt in pictures – Ever notice in pictures of a group of college sorority girls that all their hair is flipped to one side and their heads are tilted? Is this you? Sorority girls may be more deliberate, yours may be due to an inability to hold your head up properly.
  3. High shoulders and short legs – Have you ever noticed that your shirts first awkwardly from one side to the other, or had it pointed out to you that your shoulders are uneven, you may have ADC. Have you ever been to a tailor and they say to you that you have a leg that is shorter (longer) than the other. If this is the case, many times that is a result of a functional problem in the spine and NOT a leg that is physically (structurally) shorter than the other.

If you find that you are presenting with any of these signs, ESPECIALLY if you have one or more of these secondary conditions, you may have ADC, and it is time for a NeuroStructural Examination.

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